Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Philip Keppel Real Estate - Looking For an Agent to Sell Your Home?

Thinking about selling your Los Angeles, CA Area Home? I can help you get the most money. Call (818)516-7387 to learn how! #RealEstate #Realtor #losAngelesRealEstate #LosAngelesRealEstateAgent #homeowners #homesforsale #philipkeppel #sellahome #whatsmyhomeworth #maximize

Philip Keppel Real Estate - Just Found - Cheapest Condo in Toluca Lake, CA

Cheapest 1 bedroom x 1 bath condo in Toluca Lake, CA
More info at https://goo.gl/yCGmEG

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#buyahome #sellahome #philipkeppel #cheaphome #starterhome #closetostudios #empirebuilding #timetobuy